Copiapoa decorticans

Pianta rara in coltivazione, vive solo nella zona di Botija, e dal suo aspetto caratteristico ne deriva il nome: Quando  la si incontra da l'idea di una pianta che perde il fusto per mantenere l'apice vivo. E' in forte pericolo di estinzione e raramente si trovano semi validi in commercio.Le piante in mio possesso sono piccole e in parte riproducono il suo caratteristico aspetto "vissuto"



A rare plant in cultivation, it lives only in the area of Botija, and derives its name from its characteristic appearance: When you come across it you get the idea of a plant that loses its stem to keep its apex alive. It is in great danger of extinction and rarely found seeds commercially available. The plants in my possession are small and partly reproduce its characteristic "lived" appearance

Decorticans, ja 96, 2 years seedling
Decorticans, ja 96, 2 years seedling
Decorticans, Botija
Decorticans, Botija
Same plant in 2017:it's just watering
Same plant in 2017:it's just watering
Decorticans, rmsd 204, from botija seeds. Sown 2014, photo in 2022
Decorticans, rmsd 204, from botija seeds. Sown 2014, photo in 2022