Copiapoa humilis

Secondo le descrizioni iniziali l'areale di questa pianta sarebbe diffuso nei pressi della citta' di Paposo, ma studi successivi appurano che l'areale sia molto piu' ampio e che molti generi ascritti a specie propria siano in realta' affini o addirittura sottospecie della Copiapoa humilis. A mio parere questa seconda ipotesi pare sia la piu' attendibile.

Pianta molto diffusa in commercio, spesso frutto di ibridazioni non controllate,in realta' non e' facilissimo reperire semi con dati di localita' in quanto in habitat spesso vengono mangiate dai guanachi o vivono completamente interrate durante la stagione secca.

Per una corretta coltivazione, bisogna cercare di mantenere questa pianta il piu' compatta possibile,altrimenti tende ad allungarsi molto, perdendo le sue caratteristiche. E' dotata di grossa radice napiforme,tubercoli pronunciati mentre le spine hanno una lunghezza variabile.

Le sottospecie di humilis sono:australis che vive sulle alture del cerro Huasco, longispina che vive a sud ovest di Copiapo', tenuissima che va da Antofagasta fino a Paposo,variispinata che va da nord Paposo fino a sud di Blanco Encalada


According to initial descriptions the range of this plant would be widespread near the city of Paposo, but later studies show that the range is much wider and that many genera ascribed to their own species are actually related or even subspecies of the Copiapoa humilis. In my opinion this second hypothesis seems to be the most reliable.


A very widespread plant on the market, often the result of uncontrolled hybrids, in reality it is not easy to find seeds with local data because in habitats they are often eaten by guanacos or live completely underground during the dry season.


For proper cultivation, we must try to keep this plant as compact as possible, otherwise it tends to lengthen a lot, losing its characteristics. It has a large napiform root, tubercles pronounced while the spines have a variable length.


The subspecies of humilis are: australis that lives on the heights of the cerro Huasco, longispina living south-west of Copiapo ', tenuissima that goes from Antofagasta up to Paposo, variispinata that goes from north Paposo to south of Blanco Encalada

humilis, nord paposo ,2010 seedling.intesting's starting to develop a long one spine.
humilis, nord paposo ,2010 seedling.intesting's starting to develop a long one spine.
Humilis "paposoensis"
Humilis "paposoensis"
Humilis kk1709
Humilis kk1709
Humilis, 20km sud Paposo,semina 2009
Humilis, 20km sud Paposo,semina 2009
Same plant in 2016
Same plant in 2016
same plant in 2019
same plant in 2019
Copiapoa variispinata, Tra Botija-Izcuna
Copiapoa variispinata, Tra Botija-Izcuna

A rest of  roots of my plants humilis from Paposo

Tenuissima, very stressed plant. Flowering in August 2016
Tenuissima, very stressed plant. Flowering in August 2016
humilis from El Cobre, 6 years seedling, in June 2017, it's repairing in the soil
humilis from El Cobre, 6 years seedling, in June 2017, it's repairing in the soil
humilis root
humilis root