Copiapoa megarhiza

Diffusa nei pressi di Copiapo', non e' sempre presente nelle collezioni, il fatto forse dovuto che questa pianta vive in ambiente molto arido e di conseguenza non sempre i semi sono reperibili. Di crescita lenta, ha bisogno di molta luce per mantenere un aspetto compatto.

Si divide in 2 gruppi:megarhiza ssp. megarhiza e megarhiza ssp. echinata, che vive al nord del rio Huasco fino a Carrizal


Widespread near Copiapo ', it is not always present in the collections, perhaps due to the fact that this plant lives in a very arid environment and consequently the seeds are not always available. Of slow growth, it needs a lot of light to maintain a compact appearance.


It is divided into 2 groups: megarhiza ssp. megarhiza and megarhiza ssp. echinata, which lives in the north of the Rio Huasco up to Carrizal

Echinata,Aw103, Bahia Salida
Echinata,Aw103, Bahia Salida
Megarhiza in 2013
Megarhiza in 2013
Same plant 3 years later
Same plant 3 years later
Roots of megarhiza's plants
Roots of megarhiza's plants
Megarhiza di  Copiapo', pianta acquistata in un vivaio olandese
Megarhiza di Copiapo', pianta acquistata in un vivaio olandese
Megarhiza, La Horniga valley,4 years seedling
Megarhiza, La Horniga valley,4 years seedling
Same plant in 2017:it's just watering
Same plant in 2017:it's just watering
Megarhiza echinata, Totoral
Megarhiza echinata, Totoral
Megarhiza, Cerro Lechero, plant from  my friend B.H collection's
Megarhiza, Cerro Lechero, plant from my friend B.H collection's
same plant in 2020,fully hydrathed
same plant in 2020,fully hydrathed
Megarhiza borealis (?) jn732 ,9 years seedling. i have some doubt in this plant
Megarhiza borealis (?) jn732 ,9 years seedling. i have some doubt in this plant
Megarhiza borealis from Ignazio Blando habitat seeds, 3 years seedling
Megarhiza borealis from Ignazio Blando habitat seeds, 3 years seedling
11 years seedling. cop aff. megarizha, ja 994 est carrizal.Photo in 2022
11 years seedling. cop aff. megarizha, ja 994 est carrizal.Photo in 2022